Relationship & Sex

Eight ways to land your dream job

Getting a dream job brings fulfilment and satisfaction. One could become sad, unproductive, and unfulfilled in a job one doesn’t enjoy. In fact, one can get sacked and become jobless as a result. You tend to grudgingly do a job you are not happy doing or finding fulfilment in. But with purposefulness and focus, you can land that dream job.

A human resource manager in a Fintech company, Mr Deji Okunowo, stated that one must be intentional about getting a dream job because it’s a clear path one wants to thread and achieve, noting that starting early was essential to landing a dream job.

Similarly, a talent acquisition specialist, Mr Abubakar Adeleke, said the importance of getting one’s dream job cannot be overemphasised because of fulfilment. However, he noted that one could be prone to absent-mindedness and silly mistakes when on a job one disliked.

Apart from enhancing a sense of engagement on the part of the employee, Adeleke noted that a dream job gives a sense of career advancement and achievement. To land your dream job, follow the experts’ advice below.

Start early 

Okunowo noted that landing one’s dream job begins with the career path one chooses to follow right from school. According to him, one’s course of study must be tailored to the particular discipline one would love to major in after school.

He said, “For instance, if you want a job in human resource management, study courses such as personnel management in school. If you have studied a different course, it’s fine because most people get clarity after school. You need to take professional courses and engage in activities that will enhance the skills needed for the job.”

Make a plan

“You have to start the process by making a good plan for yourself on how you want to get there. Set the time range. You need luck but you must be prepared to take on the responsibilities gained by luck,” the HR manager said. He added that the most important way one can get a dream job is to prepare ahead.

 Hone your skills

Getting certified and garnering skills in one’s area of interest is important to land a dream job. Adeleke said that taking professional courses that suit one’s dream job puts one out there for recruiters to see because recruiters sometimes prioritise people with relevant certifications.

Okunowo stated that with basic undergraduate certification, professional/diploma courses, and learning required skills, one will land his or her dream job, adding, “Make sure you know the job well and be prepared for the unexpected. Preparation meets luck sometimes. You might not be ready for an interview but you might get called luckily. It’s only your knowledge of the job that will help you impress the interviewers and get you across the door.”

Update your CV

One’s curriculum vitae (resume) is like the key to the door to job opportunities. The human resource manager said that one’s CV must be properly written and tailored to fit the job specifications one is in search of. He added that anyone reading one’s CV should be able to know one’s capability and what one can offer.

Adeleke notes, “Tailor your resume/CV to the particular job you are looking at landing (avoid generic sort of resumes). You do not need a five-page resume to prove that you are the best candidate. Practically, a recruiter spends about 30 seconds on each resume after which he moves on if it’s not so captivating.”

Build a network of people

Building a network of people will give you access to the information needed to acquire your dream job. Okunowo further said that one must spread one’s wings to network with people anywhere one finds oneself, stating that speaking up to the networks about what one wants and one’s skill set, could open the door to the dream job.

 Brace up for rejections

Getting a job can be stressful and demanding. You will surely get rejections and regret emails from recruiters. “This should not weigh you down, please forge ahead. You will land the job sooner or later. Also, do daily checks on your mail (junk, spam, etc.). Emails that contain vital information can be hidden sometimes,” Adeleke adds.

Follow professional pages

“Experience, they say, is the best teacher.” Following people who have trodden the path you want to tread is a good step in the right direction. One can learn a lot and find ease on the path by tapping from the wealth of knowledge and experience professionals have gathered over the years. The human resource manager said that following people who can push one towards one’s set goals is important in getting one’s dream job.

LinkedIn optimisation

“It’s time people start to utilise the benefits of this application. For instance, I source most of my candidates on LinkedIn and this is applicable to other recruiters as well. If a candidate’s LinkedIn profile is not well optimised, the recruiter moves on to the next person,” the talent acquisition specialist noted.

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